Monday, February 23, 2009

Snow Skiing

Alexis and I just got back from Paoli Peaks, IN. We went snow skiing with our church. We could not wait to get there. We drove all night on Thursday and skied Friday and Saturday. Alexis & I realized on this trip that we are not snow bunnies. We are beach girls. We had a great time enjoying the beautiful snow and watching others crash. I so glad that we got the opportunity to go.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be Mine

Feb. 13th was PARTY day. First was Alexis' party we made crafts, decorated cookies, ate lots of junk food and of course passed out Valentines. Then on to Brooke's Party. They mostly just ate too much junk food and then got to pass out Valentines. So here is my funny story for the day. I sent Hal a text message to bring "bat or AA batteries." (little background, I already told Hal to bring my extra battery pack for my camera. This was just a reminder.) So Hal meets up with me in Brooke's class with a Baseball bat in his hand. I'm totally confused. I'm looking at him crazy and of course he's looking back at me "What". He said you told me to bring a bat. Yes that's right he brought a bat to school. I laughed so hard. I cant believe the school even let him in the door with the bat.(weapon) All the moms got a big laugh and we went on with the party.

Upwards Cheerleading

Alexis and Brooke both participated in upwards cheerleading this year. I coached Brooke's team it was a lot of fun watching these four year old's cheer their hearts out. Alexis team did several cheer routines to music and at the last game they made double pyramids. Of course being tall she was on the bottom but she didn't care. She thought that was the coolest thing.

Dog Snatching

Soon after getting our dog, my friend Christy got a new dog named Echo. He is so small and cute. Reagan carries him around like a baby. The poor dog can't ever walk when my kids are around. We take Buggar Bear over to Christy's for play dates and the dogs go wild in the back yard. I know the girls love Buggar Bear but I think they like echo better because he is so small. Don't worry we are not getting another dog...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Reagan's Speech Therapy

We are so proud of Reagan. She had her last speech therapy this week. Reagan has had speech therapy three times a week for the last year. She has done so well. We went from only saying 5 words to speaking full sentences. It has been a hard road but it was worth it. We are so gratefull to Mrs. Ginger and Mrs. Rhonda with Kidsource.

Daddy's Milk Shakes

Hal has one dessert that he can make, its chocolate milk shakes. They are good. He only makes them once in a while. But when does the kids go crazy. They love making and eating their daddy's milk shakes. Yes, that is an old blender. Is a family heirloom. Hal wont get another one because this one still works. Ha Ha

Rock Creek

This week Reagan and I went to Rock Creek with MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) for a play date. Reagan had a blast. She stayed with Marissa Mitchell the entire time. For the first time Reagan said, "she's my best friend". My heart just melted. Of course when Alexis and Brooke found out where we had been we were in trouble. They get so mad that Rock Creek (church with indoor playground) is only open duringthe week while they are in school.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New Dog in town

The girls got a Scottie dog for Christmas. We have had one in the past for 10 years. He was killed in front of our house. So when the girls saw the exact same dog it was bitter sweet. Alexis just broke down and cried. She was so happy to get a new dog but it was so hard seeing another dog that looked just like Little Man. Now, we have had the dog for about 2 months and he has grown so much. Now the girls don't have to just compete with each other for toys, now you have to add the dog in the mix. That's right, my house is a running zoo sometimes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our oldest just turned 8. I can't believe my baby is growing so fast. We had 13 girls sleep over. Yes you read correctly 13. They had a blast. We did make overs, made necklaces, danced and of course ate lots of snacks. I so enjoyed watching the continuous smile on her face.

Guess who turned 43. I had Hal a surprise poker party at a friends house. He was so surprised. He was so shocked first that I was in the man room and we had to explain that it was a surprise for his birthday. (no women allowed in the man room) They played poker and had lots of snacks. Hal didnt come home till after midnight.