Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Morning

We've had the fun, now it's time for the real reason for Easter. This Easter is extra special. This is Alexis first Easter as a Christian. Let me tell you I could not hold back the tears in that moment. To me that was the most important day of her life. But before we headed off to church we had to have a quick visit from the Easter Bunny. I know your going to love Brooke's hair in her picture.

Bring on the egg hunts.

The girls and I love egg hunts. Reagan went to five this year. We hit them all. Free entertainment. We even have a strategy. While all the other kids are consumed with the eggs in front of them we run straight to the back and work forward. All the eggs you could want. We filled two gallon bags of candy.

Eggs Eggs Eggs

It is tradition with my sister and I to get our kids together and dye Easter eggs. This year I tried to add glitter to the mix. The kids loved it, but it didn't do what I wanted it to do. I tried to be Martha Stewart. (didn't work) This was Sarah's daughters,Sydney, first time to get to participate. Jack was sick with the flu, so he didn't get to come. The only problem we have is we never have enough eggs. They go so fast.